Jamboree and Camp Read
Click here to jump To Camp Read (including embedded video) below
To register for the Jamboree 2017,
there is a two-step process:
First sign-up here at the National site:
There are instructions on that page, a few web forms to complete, and you will need your BSA ID number. If you don’t have that number handy, you can find it on our Trooptrack.com site. If you can’t find it, email me and I will send it to you.
Note the age requirements.
THEN, go to this site to make the $250 deposit online:
OR, you can mail a check to the “Westchester-Putnam Council BSA”…
41 Saw Mill River Road
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Subsequent payments (roughly quarterly) to the total approx $1600 pp fee will be also made to the Council.
More info here: http://www.wpcbsa.org/News/Jamboree17
If we can get all of our guys to register early (like this month would be good), I can guarantee they will be together in the same Council contingent Jamboree troop. Once the troop fills up (36 scouts), they may have to go into a different Council troop. Council anticipates from five to seven troops will be formed.
Also, once you register, you may apply for a “campership” (scholarship), and also participate in fundraising efforts. Note this aid is limited, comes from National (not Council), and is first come-first served. If it works like the last Jambo, funds will likely be all awarded by this May, perhaps earlier. http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/participants/campership-application/
To sign up for Camp Read 2016 :
Checks should be made to “Troop 2 Hastings” with “Camp Read” in the memo. That’s it. The troop will then write a group check to the Council. There will be some forms later, nothing else now except the check! Until June, the cost is $420 per scout for one week. We attend as a troop “week 1”, which this year is Sunday, July 3rd through Saturday, July 9th. Scouts can attend additional weeks if desired – please ask if interested.
Starting June 1, the cost goes up.
More info starts here: http://www.wpcbsa.org/Read/
Once you register, I can start signing your scout and troop up for specific activities.
Also, if you want to apply for a campership, there is some local Council (not National) money available for this and a form to complete: http://www.wpcbsa.org/pubs/CampershipForm.pdf
A $125 deposit is required when submitting this application,
and this is only accepted before June 1.
For both Camp Read and Jamboree, “cuurent”/updated medical forms will be required.