Some useful files and links:
Youth Application (PDF)
Annual registration/renewal fee: October 2024-September 2025 cost is $300 per scout. The majority of this goes to pay the national organization fee, the local Council program fees and our insurance. The trips and activities are designed to generally be ‘pay as you go’.
Annual Medical form: parts A, B and C
This is required to be on file for all scouts annually, and must be signed by a physician and the parent/guardian.
For high adventure/Jambo additional, specific forms are required.
T2 Youth Leadership Position Duties and Responsibilities
T2 Youth Leadership Application
T2 Youth Leadership Review planning sheet
T2 Code of Conduct and Other Policies
The BSA/Troop 2 official “field uniform” (sometimes incorrectly identified as the “class A” uniform) consists of four items:
- BSA tan shirt, with the forest green shoulder loops, and all correct insignia. No unofficial patches.
The short sleeve shirt is recommended. When it is cold, they can wear a solid color sweatshirt underneath the tan shirt. - BSA olive pants (or shorts, in the summer)
- BSA belt
- BSA socks
Buy a current Scout Handbook at the scout shop as well. The books is as important as the uniform, if not more so!
The T2 official “activity uniform” (sometimes incorrectly identified as the “class B” uniform) consists of the ALL OF THE ABOVE except the forest green “T2” t-shirt instead of the tan shirt.
At this time the troop does not have an official hat or neckerchief. (These items are adopted by each individual troop – we are working on updating ours. ) Until such time any Scouting cap may be worn, although please note no non-scout hats/caps should be worn, especially logo wear.
Scouts should wear appropriate footwear at all times, including the weekly troop meetings. We may go hiking or running during these meetings.Open toed shoes (flop flops, sandals, etc.) or slip-on shoes are never appropriate except perhaps at a beach.
or, Scout shops in our area:
18 Westage Drive
Fishkill, NY 12524
(right next to Famous Footwear)
(845) 762-3804
Current store hours as of September, 2022:
Monday – Friday 10:00am to 5pm
Sat – 10:00am to 3:00pm
Link to Greater NY Scout Shops including Alpine, NJ (open weekends only – check hours!)
NOTE: The map on their website is incorrect…
(There is also a shop In Greenwich, open only on weekdays)
A uniform inspection sheet for Scouts showing correct patch placement and SKUs to order insignia, etc. is here.
For registered adult leaders it is here.